Sunday, 17 January 2016

DIGIPAK: panel 2 edit 2

Panel 2 edit 2
Taylor Swift '21'
I wanted to keep this panel relatively simple as the track list would need to be the main feature and all the other example I have looked at have kept theirs very simplistic e.g Taylor Swift. Therefore I have chosen an image of city buildings to carry on the city theme which links back to the album title 'Captive city'. I have created slight cross over layering with the images on the first panel (the images on the first panel cross over to the second). This is an effective look as it adds to the grungy feel due to the difference in textures and colour shades. 
What I have done:
I have moved the small print inwards and the bonus footage sticker on to the front panel as it is a key selling point it needs to be noticeable so it will be easier to see on the front, therefore boosting sales. 
Next: I will carry on playing with the ordering.

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